Saturday, May 22, 2010

How can I avoid a D&C?

Sadly, I lost my baby on Saturday. I had an ultrasound yesterday and I am still carrying the embryotic sac. It is low in the uterus and just needs a push out. My doctor prescribed me 6 pills 200 mg each (2 day supply) of Cytotec to take, I took one round last night and have not passed the sac. I am going to take the next round today and if this dosen't work, I will need a D%26amp;C. Is there anything I can do to help the Cytotec work, like take a walk or do I lay down? I am really trying to avoid a D%26amp;C, I have my reasons, but I need to expell the remains for my own health so I understand if I have to get the procedure.

Is there anything I can do today after taking the Cytotec to help it do it's job or no?

Thank you in advance for your answers, I appreciate you taking the time to help me more than I can express.

How can I avoid a D%26amp;C?
sadly to say if it dont pass on its own and very soon you will need to get a D%26amp;C
Reply:lay down for atleast one hour after taking the pills. I have a friend who had the same thing happen and they gave her the Cytotec and they told her to make sure she lays down for atleast an hour when taking, so she took them when she was in bed at night so she didnt need to get up and walk around during the day
Reply:There is a perfectly safe drug called methergine that he can give you. It's usually 3 pills a day for three days and make you cramp really hard (I threw up it was so bad). This worked for me since I absolutely refused a D%26amp;C unless it was a last resort. What you need to watch for is a fever, this means infection and you will need a D%26amp;C but other than that there is no medical reason to have one. If after 4 weeks it still hasn't passed you will need a D%26amp;C because the risk of infection is so high. Good luck and I am so sorry for your loss.
Reply:I'm verry sorry that must be awful. I would use a search engine, but I know really raspberry tea hlps and walking would probably help too. You may ask him to give you pitocin since it causes contractions.
Reply:When i had a miscarrige, i went to A%26amp;E before anything was passed but it was confirmed that there was no heartbeat etc. They gave my tablets to take, can't remember the name of them though and the nurse suggested that i stay active and give gravity a chance to help. Everything was passed in the end and i didnt need a D%26amp;C but i don't know if it was due to being active or the meds. I am so sorry for your loss, keep your chin up
Reply:I am so sorry. :(

There isn't really anything you can do to help the medication along, but if taking a walk or something helps deal with some of the stress and/or anxiety, I think that would be good for you

Take care.
Reply:no, there isn't really anything you can do. Just take the meds and pray they work.
Reply:I miscarried at 8 weeks a couple years ago. Your body wiiiilllllll take care of everything ....and on its own. I just bleed heavy off and on for a couple weeks and then just spontaneously passed the sac. Do not have a D%26amp; can cause scar tissue in your uterus which can make it harder to concieve in the future. Your dr will probably say it isn't true but it is. Do some research on the internet and you will find that out. I would also recommend not taking that second round of cytotec. It is baad stuff. Why do drs want to speed everything up and not give bodies a chance to take care of things. Trust me....just tell your Dr that you would like to pass it naturally and noooo D%26amp;C.
Reply:First, let me say, I'm sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago, and it took 4 horrible days to pass everything. I too, did not want a D and C. Thank God, my body expelled everything and I didn't have to have one. If I were you, I'd try to walk a lot, unless you're bleeding too badly. You're technically in labor until you pass that sac. Good luck to you, and God bless.
Reply:again i am sorry for your lose hunny...there isnt much you can do to pass it obviously is a lil sore to stay on your feet to long but try to stay busy and move around alot if you get tired and need to rest...while resting massage your stomach.that can also help the sac fall a lil...good luck and i do understand about the not wanting a d%26amp;c
Reply:im very sorry for your loss...i dont know what you can do to help things progress but it is hard to avoid a D%26amp;C if things dont pass on their own.
Reply:I really don't know what else. I'm not sure what a D%26amp;C is but I'm very sorry about you baby

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