i am having a scheduled c-section and was wondering does it take longer for the milk to come in?
with my first child i was able to express milk at 18 weeks pregnant so i had no trouble with breastfeeding him ....but this pregnancy i have had only had slight leakage will this affect it?
Scheduled c-section and breastfeeding?
When I was pregnant I only had a tiny bit of leakage... my colostrum came in normal.. and my milk came in too. In fact I was SUPER engorged on the 4th or 5th day. I had attempted to nurse every hour at the hospital.. I was so engorged that nothing helped and I was so swollen and unable to get milk to come out of my breasts.. I guess you didn't need that much info.
Reply:after d c section, your body might hurt too much for you to hold your baby properly to nurse . so have a nurse or your husband incline your bed to a tolerable level, then hold d baby in place beside your breast, prop your arms on lots of pillows and baby can eat :-) this s what i did after my c section
even if u dont have milk yet, that's no prob. it's baby's sucking that will signal your body to produce milk. don't worry baby will not starve. he'll till have leftover nutrients from you, and his tummy is really tiny. he won't need but a few drops d first couple of days. my own milk did not come out til day after birth.
remember-- sucking induces production
Reply:Since you've already breastfed one child it's rare that you would have issues breast feeding for the next, even if it is a c-section. If you are worried though just start pumping a couple days before the c-section. You can store what you do get and give it to your baby as soon as he/she is born, that way they will get the colostrum that comes out first.
Reply:I had my first by scheduled c-section and it did take a couple of days for my milk to come in properly...I had the colostrum right away, but my son was about 3 days old before my actual milk was there.
Reply:It might take a bit to come in. But start pumping! As soon as you are out of the recovery room, put the baby on the breast frequently so he/she get the reflex going, and pump in between. Most hospitals will leave you a pump ready to go and a lactation consultant at hand for any help you might need. The key is perseverance.
Reply:NO NO NO Dont worry Dear I started to leak alittle bit of milk at 32 weeks pregnant and nothing before this......I had my baby by C-Section and started to breastfeed her as soon as I could and she 14 weeks old now and has never had a drop of formula
Reply:I had an emergency C-section with my twins and it took about two days for my milk to come in. I started pumping as soon as possible after the surgery, and every three hours. It was frustrating at first because I got nothing! But then finally it came in. Just keep trying as much as you can, if the baby can get to the breast versus pumping that will help your letdown as well. Good luck!!!
Reply:You should have colostrum now, though it may be impossible to pump or express any.
As soon as the placenta is removed certain hormonal changes take place which signal the body to switch over to milk production. However this change is GRADUAL. It isn't like one feed you have colostrum and one you have "milk". The changeover starts about 30-40 horus after birth. Most women experience engorgement which is commonly called her "milk coming in" about 2-3 days after birth. Some women say they have colostrum up to 5 days after birth.
As someone who had to pump immediately after birth and for the first month following a normal fullterm birth (long stupid story involving breastfeeding, pumping, syringe feeding etc). I will say that the true "blue-white" milk may not be there until week 2-3. Before that the milk is still varying degrees of yellow.
Reply:I don't think it takes longer. I had a c-section last November and my milk came in two days after my daughter was born.
Reply:Probably not. You shouldn't express milk while you are pregnant or attempt to because there is a possibility it can trigger preterm contractions. If its your second child and especially since you breastfed before, you will probably have your milk within 48hrs following childbirth, regardless of the c-section. It may be a little longer, but it should still come and and remember that a baby needs just a few drop per feed for the first couple of days anyway :)
Reply:I had an unexpected C-section without any laboring, so my milk took about 4-5 days to fully come in. I nursed around the clock from the moment I held my daughter, and my engorgement wasn't painful, although my breasts did definitely swell up!! My breasts are large already and they were SO oddly perky and hard, I looked like Pamela Anderson! So funny.
It shouldn't be a problem if you nurse very often to stimulate that milk production. :) It is true though, that it takes a bit longer for milk to come in with a C-section or induction, since your body doesn't get the chance to go into labor slowly and naturally (which tells your breasts to start the milk production!).
Good luck!
Reply:With my second I had no leakage ( my first I did ) and I breastfeed so that part doesn't matter. Make sure that the Dr's know you want to breastfeed so they can bring baby to you as soon as they can and not give any bottles. I don't actually know if it takes longer for you milk to come in but I know many c-section breastfeeding Mommies
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